By Monday, the legislature will vote an emergency law that designates a fixed exchange rate of, say, 1 drachma –– the Greek pre-Euro currency –– for each euro. 周一,议会投票通过一项紧急法案,指定固定兑换汇率,假设1德拉克马(希腊加入欧元区之前的货币)兑换1欧元。
The two sides agreed to further strengthen cooperation and, within the Expert Level Mechanism, work together on provision of flood-season hydrological data and emergency management, and exchange views on other issues of mutual interest. 双方同意进一步加强跨境河流合作,在现有的专家级机制下,就水文报汛、应急事件处置开展合作,并就其他共同关心的问题交换意见。
When an emergency arises that requires greater resources than an exchange network can provide, these women often appeal for and receive aid from their wealthy employers. 当出现紧急情况,所需的资源不是一个交际网络可以提供时,这些妇女常常向她们的有钱的雇主诉苦,并能得帮助。
Emergency Information Exchange System Based on Public Wireless Networks 基于公用无线通信的应急信息交互体系
Research and Implementation of Emergency Data Exchange and Sharing Platform Based on ODI 基于ODI的应急数据交换、共享平台的研究与实现
In the event of an emergency of force majeure or with a view to preserving the normal order of securities trading, a stock exchange may decide a temporary speed bump. 因不可抗力的突发性事件或者为维护证券交易的正常秩序,证券交易所可以决定临时停市。
An emergency multimedia communication technology which is used in mine rescue has features of paroxysm in time, indetermination in place, complicacy in landform and interaction in information, a high requirement of transmission and exchange is proposed. 矿山救援应急多媒体通信同时兼有时间的突发性、地点的不确定性、地形的复杂性和信息的交互性等特点,对信息的传输和交换都提出了更高的要求。
Objective To analyze the temperature environment of different emergency landing areas and discuss the heat exchange between astronaut and the temperature environment. 目的对不同的可能着陆区内的温度环境以及人体与环境的热交换问题进行分析,并讨论相应的对抗措施。
Protocol and standard for emergency information exchange 美国应急信息交互协议与规范
The purpose of emergency information exchange and sharing is to realise interconnect between applications in incident sites, emergency management centres, emergency command centres and public safety services and share information completely. 应急信息交互和共享的目标是实现事故现场、应急管理中心、应急指挥中心以及公共安全服务等机构之间应用系统的无缝联接,信息完全共享。
However, business processes are too complex emergency, the public emergency response for the lack of knowledge, information exchange among the various departments, and the face of the efficiency of emergency response decision-making and many other issues. 但由于应急业务流程过于复杂,民众对于突发事件的应对知识的匮乏,各职能部门间信息交互障碍,及面对突发事件决策响应的效率等诸多问题。
We need to gradually improve the timely and effective cross-border capital flow monitoring and early warning system and emergency measures, pay close attention to the offshore RMB exchange rate, interest rate market orientation and prevent RMB rate spreads arbitrage fund large-scale fluctuations causing abnormal fluctuations. 我们要逐步健全及时、有效的跨境资金流动监测预警体系及应急措施,密切关注离岸市场人民币汇率、利率取向,防范境内外人民币汇差、利差异常波动引起套利资金大规模波动。